
panel settings


Button to convert selected color ramps to custom node groups and vice versa.


Add this to quick favorites for easy access by right clicking on the button and selecting ‘Add to Quick Favorites’.


Press ‘Q’ to open the quick favorites menu, select ‘CONVERT’.


Select nodes to convert!

Interpolation Type

Set the map range node interpolation type inside converted color ramp node groups.

Extra Node Type

Chose the type of extra nodes.

Create Extra Nodes (AddonPref)

Create extra nodes for the converted node group’s inputs.


This option is an addon preference, exposed here for convenience.

Addon Preferences

addon preferences
You can adjust a few aspects of the add-on by going to:
Edit -> Preferences -> Add-ons -> expand ColorRampConverter entry.

Copy Width

Copy the width of initial node or node group.

Create Extra Nodes

Create extra nodes for the converted node group’s inputs.

Remove Extra Nodes

Remove extra nodes when converting back to color ramp.

Reset Preferences

Reset ColorRampConverter’s preferences to default values.